- Online Passport Service
- We take all complicated cases and keep you updated with correct information till you get your passport
- PAN Service
- New PAN for minor and adults and changes in PAN Card
- Adhaar Updation
- We service you so that you can apply for new Adhaar Card or help you in updating information like address, date of birth etc
- Ticket Booking
- We provide, Train & flight ticket booking at cheapest cost
- Bill Payment
- All E
Download कैसे करे https://myaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/ की साइड मे जाये और डाउनलोड आधार पर क्लिक करे आधार नंबर और कॅप्टचा डालें एंड सबमिट करे फिर otp डालें और आधार डाउनलोड करे ,
आधार डाउनलोड होने के बाद pdf पर राइट क्लिक के एक्रोबेट मे ओपन करे पासवर्ड :-नाम के पहले 4 letter कैपिटल और date of birth (Year)
To make life easy for Labour Consultants we have come out with ESIC Autofil with these features:
- Auto login
- Auto captcha fill
- Direct loading of pages without login
- Autofill of all data(eg in new employee join)
- Page retry in case of time out
- Firefox will pop up, make sound and make the tab in front if successful load
If you need RPO appointment, it means there is some serious problem with your passport and you've been referred for Advanced Consultation for some serious issue.
We provide RPO appointments at Rs. 500 per booking. Kindly note the appoints are over in a few seconds only. Using autofills we are able to get most appointments.
Uttarakhand's RPFO is located near MKP college on New Road. Only for a few days in a month a few booking are released.
Kindly pay in advance! Call 7201 00000 4
We are authorized Star Health Mediclaim Distributor.
Call 7201 00000 4Kindly contact us for these mediclaim policies:
We provide you following services. You can simply whatsapp your details and we process it from our office:
Location: NCR Plaza, New Cantt Road, Dehradun
हिंदी के लिए नीचे जायें
अपना रिज्यूमे anikadigitalseva@gmail.com मैं भेजें
Star Corona Mediclaim only Rs. 499 per person per year
Call: 844 939 4405
जी हाँ स्टार हेल्थ - जो भारत का सबसे बड़ा और नंबर एक हेल्थ mediclaim provider है, इनका mediclaim खरीदने पर आपको पूरा कवरेज मिलेगा कोरोना के इलाज के लिए!